
NVFMP, Part 1

Following Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition I gained some experiences and knowledge, which I’m going to sort out in order to write a doctorate. It's a not-very-fast-moving-project. My interests have been developing since early 90’s and eventually focused on Sri Krsna Caitanya’s life. I want to elaborate my realization in female (not feminist) point of view, which increases nowadays.

The female point of view consists in Raganuga-bhakti, path of spontaneous devotion, the most. Therefore, inter alia, I use Universalists Radha-Krishnaism by Steve Bohlert (Subal Das Babaji). He represents the disciplic succession of Raganuga-bhakti from Sri Krsna Caitanya. My search, started from Sri Caitanya Caritamrita by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami in the past, was inspired by Kenneth Valpey (Krsna Ksetra Das) a scholar and a spiritual master in Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. He is helping me nowadays in this work. Myself I can only write poems on this.

As Caitanya is considered Radha-Krsna, the main scope of my study includes inner interaction between two spirits - God and Goddess - revealed through Caitanya’s extatic nature. Theory of “two-spirit” is found also in researches on the berdache among third gender studies. I will be elaborating my realization in such context, taking into account that in Caitanya’s case it’s about two spirits and not about two gender roles of Two Spirit People.

It’s a quite wide field. But though it’s a not-very-fast-moving-project. I eagerly accept advice and support in this matter.