
Cosmic Union

If you make your beloved one feels loved,
you have more easy situation.”

As a child I felt alienated so was searching for those who understand me better, even if it would be aliens. Hours and hours I was looking for the unidentified flying objects at nights. But nothing happend. My mom subscribed Nie z tej Ziemi (Not From This Earth), one Polish magazine on paranormal science for me, where I found Jasmuheen.

Well, I don't think she's an alien, but I’ve felt the cosmic connection! In June 2012 I was in Prague to meet Jasmuheen during her seminar on living without food.

We spent three days at Břevnovský Klášter, beautiful monastery. There was a lot of meditations guided by Jasmuheen, questions and answers, need for silence and for words. But the most of all, we were connected. Not good at meditations I had the good connection too, so was sharing my caught red-handed emotions with friends via Facebook.

Living without food wasn't very unusual object for some. But to eat, or not to eat, that was the question for me and Viera, my bratska duše. In the past I didn't know what is prana, but through years I've noticed that I stopped eating many kinds of food and then lost the need for eating very often. If this is a natural way for breatharianism, I'm on. Though I like the idea of eating for pleasure!

Jasmuheen shared some her champagne spiritual moods singing to people a cappella and with music. People shared some their spiritual moods dancing with Jasmuheen. Some, including her, standing on the chairs! But sharing the Paths of Peace, before and during the meeting, brings the searching for aliens to the simple finding that ‘if you make your beloved one feels loved, you have more easy situation’.

God damn right!