"I know this is random,
but I think it's beautiful
how God is able to separate what I've done
from who I am...!
[Kirk Franklin]
Albert Schweitzer said that the crux of the mystery of life is that God's mind is within us, in the world and in the universe. This captured the essence of presumably Caitanya's doctrine - acintya-bhedābheda-tattva - which describes the relation between God and us. The base of this play lies in these two words bheda (difference) and abheda (no difference) - we're the same, but different, one, but separated, I am you, but you're not me.
Schweitzer also said that we live life fully and more versatile when we fulfill our mundane goal, because this way we can realize God's potential given to us. Looks like mortal is even more alive…
Schweitzer also said that we live life fully and more versatile when we fulfill our mundane goal, because this way we can realize God's potential given to us. Looks like mortal is even more alive…
The rest is written...