“I believe that relationships are a spiritual path.
They are an opportunity to see ourselves in the mirror
They are an opportunity to see ourselves in the mirror
that our partner holds up for us."
[Diane Gaidry]
What a blessing that there are people who have read more, have seen more, have realized more, and can give us what we are lacking in. It places us as a part in a perfect movement of all. But sometimes you should notice that your part.
When you’re aware of your influence on others, you learn wisdom. You know that you must train more, for you practise with the greater than you. Yet, being aware that you are a part of the team, and knowing your part, you learn responsibility, for you must play your role. But in that team are only leaders.
Some say, enlightenment it’s a journey. After reaching liberation, or that kind of level we want to reach among many levels, we start journeying. Alike and different at the same time. Like the key of geese.
Imagine, we're all, each separately and socially, in the heavenly movement. And separately, individually or personally, such liberated people already know how to use the inner realization. For they are enough advanced, as they could liberate themselves. They are self-sufficient.
So here everyone is a leader. But we sometimes need an inspiration. Might be, for play. And for some of us, inspiration comes from love. Better - from sharing love. It happens that we may need to give, or we may need to receive! When one is tired flies lower, and another one is delegated to take the leadership. Leadership in sharing this love.
Here we can discover that mutual leadership means just following each other. Such followers sometimes don’t know where to follow and how, even if they are one in heart, but the following is going on. So the best place to start is heart, some even call it heart of hearts.
When you share your heart with others, the best way is speaking through your heart, for it touches their hearts in fact. This way, words you use are only a tool via you spread your message, and if you even don’t use words, the message has been delivered, for if you have something to share, it always works, because when you love, you feel.
Some say that emotion it’s not a good adviser. Yet, that it’s temporary. But, even so, emotion creates. When you speak through your heart, what or how you say it’s not that important, as the feeling you share via message. Giving in such way may become an art, still it makes you better, for when you love, you want to give the best from yourself, or best, what the others need the most.
Self-sufficient people look for partners to share fulfillment, like happy people look for partners to share happiness, and unhappy people look for partners to share unhappiness. Fulfillment helps in focusing on greater things, for you have more peaceful mind. So you can offer those you love the most beautiful picture of themselves, and reflect it like a mirror through your heart. Using tools which work for you and for your partners, you put emotion in the following each other, and relish such mutual sharing deeply, cosmically or personally, according to the will of both.
What a blessing that there are people who have read more, have seen more, have realized more, and can give us what we are lacking in. It places us as a part in a perfect movement of all. But sometimes you should notice that your part.
When you’re aware of your influence on others, you learn wisdom. You know that you must train more, for you practise with the greater than you. Yet, being aware that you are a part of the team, and knowing your part, you learn responsibility, for you must play your role. But in that team are only leaders.
Some say, enlightenment it’s a journey. After reaching liberation, or that kind of level we want to reach among many levels, we start journeying. Alike and different at the same time. Like the key of geese.
Imagine, we're all, each separately and socially, in the heavenly movement. And separately, individually or personally, such liberated people already know how to use the inner realization. For they are enough advanced, as they could liberate themselves. They are self-sufficient.
So here everyone is a leader. But we sometimes need an inspiration. Might be, for play. And for some of us, inspiration comes from love. Better - from sharing love. It happens that we may need to give, or we may need to receive! When one is tired flies lower, and another one is delegated to take the leadership. Leadership in sharing this love.
Here we can discover that mutual leadership means just following each other. Such followers sometimes don’t know where to follow and how, even if they are one in heart, but the following is going on. So the best place to start is heart, some even call it heart of hearts.
When you share your heart with others, the best way is speaking through your heart, for it touches their hearts in fact. This way, words you use are only a tool via you spread your message, and if you even don’t use words, the message has been delivered, for if you have something to share, it always works, because when you love, you feel.
Some say that emotion it’s not a good adviser. Yet, that it’s temporary. But, even so, emotion creates. When you speak through your heart, what or how you say it’s not that important, as the feeling you share via message. Giving in such way may become an art, still it makes you better, for when you love, you want to give the best from yourself, or best, what the others need the most.
Self-sufficient people look for partners to share fulfillment, like happy people look for partners to share happiness, and unhappy people look for partners to share unhappiness. Fulfillment helps in focusing on greater things, for you have more peaceful mind. So you can offer those you love the most beautiful picture of themselves, and reflect it like a mirror through your heart. Using tools which work for you and for your partners, you put emotion in the following each other, and relish such mutual sharing deeply, cosmically or personally, according to the will of both.
The best leadership it’s love. Loving those who you admire, makes them the greatest ones in the whole Universe, in your heart, and makes you so dear to them, the reason to live.