[Emilia Wnuk]
This year was very important for me and the last so important year was 1993. I’ve been continuing my spiritual practice with just few, but exacting friends, what inspired me to learn new (or forgotten) skills, and so exceed my limits. I’ve found how the power from within works and learnt to trust it more. To be honest, if not that trusting, I wouldn’t bear my duties.
Satsang with spiritual mate, Jasmuheen, re energized me deeply and counteracted the sense of existential fatigue, which has bothered me from ages. But after it, though I feel reborn and lighter, I gave up my ambitious terms and slowed down. It helps me again to feel pleasure with things I’m doing.
I’m now open for interaction with more people. Came back to Skype and to individual correspondance with old and new friends from all over the world, instead of spending time on social networks. I gained everything I needed and even much more than I could ever imagine using Facebook. But as one of my friends told me, “I'm expecting a lot more people to exit facebook as the changes there continue to mount, and have even considered dropping all of the social networks myself. I feel like it is supporting something -- that if I understood everything about -- I would not be comfortable with”. I’m glad that afer having made a solid base for the new friendships via social networks we can develop our ties out of them too.
This year I’ve finished the second tome of poetry, Undefined, and hope to publish it in 2012, started the new one tome, Jebrriell Sneregrehe, and eventually still working on the guidebook, How To Be The Own Guru. Also other good changes have taken place at my work.
It was very important year for my personal life. I got engaged. Although, because entered vanaprastha ashram* during fifteen years of living in grihastha ashram** and afterwards, I wanted to be a single forever! I don’t have to tell how it touched my soul. Few months later I've entered grihastha ashram again.

Next year I meet Steve Bohlert (Subal Das Babaji), Kenneth Valpey (Krsna Ksetra Das), Jasmuheen and finish my study in Warsaw. This all and more makes my new year hopes really big.
* Vanaprastha ashram – leaving the grihastha ashram to live in celibacy.
** Grihastha ashram – marital life.
There is also brahmacari ashram – celibacy before grihastha, and sannyas ashram – detachment after vanaprastha.