He is a very modern teacher of Raganuga-bhakti tradition in the West. He is writing and keeping spiritual practices in voluntary simplicity living in the jungle on Hawaii together with his wife.
The disciplic succession he represents is: (1) Nityananda sakti -
Sri Jahnava Thakurani, (2) Sri Ramacandra Goswami,
(3) Sri Rajavallabha Gosvami, (4) Sri Kesavacandra Gosvami,
(5) Sri Rudresvara Gosvami, (6) Sri Dayarama Gosvami,
(7) Sri Mahesvari Gosvamini, (8) Sri Guna Manjari Gosvamini,
(9) Sri Ramamani Gosvamini, (10) Sri Jogesvara Gosvami,
(11) Sri Vipina Bihari Gosvami, (12) Sri Bhaktivinode Thakur,
(13) Sri Lalita Prasad Thakur, (14) Sri Subal Das Gosvami.
Raganuga-bhakti Marg it is the path of devotion to God in an intensive love. To cut the ballast of the past, and thus be free to worship, I have taken the babaji order of life and that external adherence. It is helping me to recognize and develop my spiritual emotions above religious disturbances, and live an ordinary life during keeping the voluntary spiritual practice.

The only religious adherence is belonging to God. And the only spiritual practice
is to practise the unmotivated love to God. Love is the way and the goal.
Why love is the way and the goal?
Because love is the source...