Imagine the refuge among the nature, where somebody can forget oneself during making worship. Peaceful forest, natural meadows, brooks splashing gaily. The small river running almost on the small Radha Govinda Mandir’s doorstep. Few monks close together upon the Divine Couple. A nice, cosy library hiding jewels of loving devotion. Visitors only few times a year. The tumult of festivals calmed down and does not drown the melody of the heart. Only lordly peacocks are shouting from time to time. A milk from a real cow and a honey from the folks living nearby...

I am dreaming of the BABAJI CENTER under the saint patronage of Lalita Prasad Thakur Babaji with the babaji‘s cottage. I have found the peaceful countryside and named Babajówka. And have nearest around forty years to fulfill the dream. Wish me well.