Kami Gut
krawat zawiązany
kilka tysięcy
milowych dni
na kilka
jęk zawodu
w supernarzędzie
duchowego rozwoju
jedyna nadzieja
że może
że umiem być
tylko kobietą
1 kwietnia 2007 r.
No joke!
Welcome to the blog of Govinda Dasi Babaji. The blog is about my spirituality. I'd like to share myself with the other seekers of essence, what - I believe - is common to various believers... If you visit me, please bless me and feel yourself at home! Govinda Dasi Lalaji
Few Words About Krishnaism...
"I then began to consider that Vrindavana is a very solitary place.
It is invincible and very difficult to attain. I therefore decided
to go there alone or, at the utmost, with only one person."
[Sri Caitanya-caritamrta: Madhya-lila (16. 270)
by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami]
As I remember, I was converted to Krishnaism in 1989 by my art teacher - Zbigniew Siwek - from the Community Center in the city I was born in. He took aim at one my friend, but her jacket of Armageddon was bullet-proof. So it was a ricochet.
I was almost 15 years old and felt, that after had been searching for the goal of life, I found myself on my path again.
In February 1990 he borrowed me Science of Self-Realization by Swami Prabhupada and I became a vegetarian. Nextly he helped me to buy my first Bhagavad-gita. Few months later I met travelling devotees of Krishna - Ragavardhan Das / Radhamohan [see video] with his musician band - and took a part in their program, where I have heard maha-mantra first time. They contacted me with devotees living in my the city.
After some time one brahmana from ISKCON, Surapal Das and his wife, came to preach there. Becoming included into this organization we became a Nama Hatta and the preaching began. I was a local commander under our brahmana’s protection. We were making programs and festivals. In 1991 Indradyumna Swami visited us. In 1992 we participated in Indradyumna Swami’s Summer Tour in Poland, but I have never known him better. At that time I first time met Krishna Ksherta Das, my then-guru, and also Harikesha Swami - both ISKCON gurus. After it we were engaged in Hare Krishna Food For Live. However, in July 1993 the Nama Hatta ended its activity. It was the time, when I was following Rupanuga-bhakti Marg*.
About 2005 one friend from the gospel choir and devotee of Krishna told me about Swami Tripurari, I met his disciples in Poland and, two years later, Swami Tripurari in Finland. I have found myself as saragrahi-bhakta. At that time I met again ex-Harikesha Swami, who was not from ISKCON anymore, but made his Spirituality Without Demands and Expectations nowadays, and Krishna Kshetra Das, my ex-guru. Some time later I also met Paramadvaiti Swami from WVA in Berlin and then in Hungary in 2008, and discovered sannyasis who don't separate themselves from the other people. In that association on the path my Rupanuga-bhakti Marg was turning into Raganuga-bhakti Marg**.

Drawing conclussions from my personal experiences and from many years' observations in Hare Krishna movement, set by contemporary religious organizations and preachers in the West, I gave up myself in endeavours to find the own place in it. Eventually, I retreated to the position of bhajananadi***. Few months later have been accepted in the disciplic succession of Raganuga-bhakti Marg and finally stood
on my own.
I'm grateful to Kusum Sraman Swami Maharaja, who didn't let me to give up in bad time. I had been looking for help and met him in Hungary in August 2008. His support, Nitai-bhajanas and just good word have been encouraging me to continue my spiritual efforts. I accepted him as my harinama guru to purify my chanting with bad associations, and again to feel safe under the shelter of the mantra Hare Krishna.

Sometimes we travel our journey in good or bad company. Sometimes alone. And whoever teaches us what and how should or what and how should not be done - the teacher is still the same.
* Rupanuga-bhakti Marg - the path of practising and developing devotion to God by following the rules and principles of regulation, to regulate the order of life and to develop detachment,
** Raganuga-bhakti Marg - the path of practising and developing devotion to God beyond the rules and priciples of regulation, by following spontaneous loving emotions to God accordingly to the specific mood of the spiritual realization.
Theoritically, Raganuga-bhakti comes after Rupanuga-bhakti.
*** There is bhajananandi and gosthyanandi - generally gosthyanandi is interested in developing preaching and religious groups, and bhajananandi doesn't, but practises spiritual life alone.
It is invincible and very difficult to attain. I therefore decided
to go there alone or, at the utmost, with only one person."
[Sri Caitanya-caritamrta: Madhya-lila (16. 270)
by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami]
As I remember, I was converted to Krishnaism in 1989 by my art teacher - Zbigniew Siwek - from the Community Center in the city I was born in. He took aim at one my friend, but her jacket of Armageddon was bullet-proof. So it was a ricochet.
I was almost 15 years old and felt, that after had been searching for the goal of life, I found myself on my path again.
In February 1990 he borrowed me Science of Self-Realization by Swami Prabhupada and I became a vegetarian. Nextly he helped me to buy my first Bhagavad-gita. Few months later I met travelling devotees of Krishna - Ragavardhan Das / Radhamohan [see video] with his musician band - and took a part in their program, where I have heard maha-mantra first time. They contacted me with devotees living in my the city.
After some time one brahmana from ISKCON, Surapal Das and his wife, came to preach there. Becoming included into this organization we became a Nama Hatta and the preaching began. I was a local commander under our brahmana’s protection. We were making programs and festivals. In 1991 Indradyumna Swami visited us. In 1992 we participated in Indradyumna Swami’s Summer Tour in Poland, but I have never known him better. At that time I first time met Krishna Ksherta Das, my then-guru, and also Harikesha Swami - both ISKCON gurus. After it we were engaged in Hare Krishna Food For Live. However, in July 1993 the Nama Hatta ended its activity. It was the time, when I was following Rupanuga-bhakti Marg*.

About 2005 one friend from the gospel choir and devotee of Krishna told me about Swami Tripurari, I met his disciples in Poland and, two years later, Swami Tripurari in Finland. I have found myself as saragrahi-bhakta. At that time I met again ex-Harikesha Swami, who was not from ISKCON anymore, but made his Spirituality Without Demands and Expectations nowadays, and Krishna Kshetra Das, my ex-guru. Some time later I also met Paramadvaiti Swami from WVA in Berlin and then in Hungary in 2008, and discovered sannyasis who don't separate themselves from the other people. In that association on the path my Rupanuga-bhakti Marg was turning into Raganuga-bhakti Marg**.
Drawing conclussions from my personal experiences and from many years' observations in Hare Krishna movement, set by contemporary religious organizations and preachers in the West, I gave up myself in endeavours to find the own place in it. Eventually, I retreated to the position of bhajananadi***. Few months later have been accepted in the disciplic succession of Raganuga-bhakti Marg and finally stood
on my own.
I'm grateful to Kusum Sraman Swami Maharaja, who didn't let me to give up in bad time. I had been looking for help and met him in Hungary in August 2008. His support, Nitai-bhajanas and just good word have been encouraging me to continue my spiritual efforts. I accepted him as my harinama guru to purify my chanting with bad associations, and again to feel safe under the shelter of the mantra Hare Krishna.

Sometimes we travel our journey in good or bad company. Sometimes alone. And whoever teaches us what and how should or what and how should not be done - the teacher is still the same.
* Rupanuga-bhakti Marg - the path of practising and developing devotion to God by following the rules and principles of regulation, to regulate the order of life and to develop detachment,
** Raganuga-bhakti Marg - the path of practising and developing devotion to God beyond the rules and priciples of regulation, by following spontaneous loving emotions to God accordingly to the specific mood of the spiritual realization.
Theoritically, Raganuga-bhakti comes after Rupanuga-bhakti.
*** There is bhajananandi and gosthyanandi - generally gosthyanandi is interested in developing preaching and religious groups, and bhajananandi doesn't, but practises spiritual life alone.
The Word More About My Chrisrianity...
The bright embodiment of my Christianity was teaching of Joseph Murphy –
The Church of Divine Science minister. His books had been guiding me when I walked through the valley of the shadow of my wretchedness and infirmity to the power of faith (see: The Magic of Faith by Joseph Murphy].
To revitalize my spiritual feelings through almost five years I was a member of one gospel choir in Protestant tradition.
I've experienced a spiritual baptism with the Holy Ghost and became a charismatic –
I received a charisma of speaking in tongues and other spiritual gifts.

In God’s presence there is no any blessing and no any curse, but only the power of faith.
The power of heart!
The Church of Divine Science minister. His books had been guiding me when I walked through the valley of the shadow of my wretchedness and infirmity to the power of faith (see: The Magic of Faith by Joseph Murphy].
To revitalize my spiritual feelings through almost five years I was a member of one gospel choir in Protestant tradition.
I've experienced a spiritual baptism with the Holy Ghost and became a charismatic –
I received a charisma of speaking in tongues and other spiritual gifts.

In God’s presence there is no any blessing and no any curse, but only the power of faith.
The power of heart!
Programmatic Poem
Kami Gut
tysiącem słów
min i gestów
w lustro
z obu
26 października 1993 r.
tysiącem słów
min i gestów
w lustro
z obu
26 października 1993 r.
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